Sildenafil Citrate and Dapoxetine is a blend of potent erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation medications.
Sildenafil Citrate is used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction/impotence in men.
You should never take more than one Sildenafil Citrate tablet at any one time and not more than once a day to avoid any side effects.
For best results the pill should be taken after a low-fat meal or before food between 30 minutes to 1 hour before sexual intercourse.
People with a history of kidney disease, heart disease, low blood pressure and cardiovascular risks should not use this medicine.
Sildenafil Citrate interacts with some medications and can also have various common and less common side-effects.
This medication does not protect you from HIV (Human Immuno deficiency virus) or STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).
Dapoxetine is a medication used for the treatment of premature ejaculation (PE) in men.
It works by inhibiting the serotonin transporter, increasing serotonins action at the post synaptic cleft, and as a consequence promoting ejaculatory delay.