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Nemdaa 10mg (generic memantine) 50 tablets

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Alzheimer’s disease medication


Memantine is a medication used to slow the progression of moderate to severe Alzheimers disease, especially for people who are intolerant of or have a contraindication to AChE (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitors.

It has been associated with a modest improvement, with small positive effects on cognition, mood, behavior, and the ability to perform daily activities in moderate to severe Alzheimers disease. The medication has also been investigated as a possible augmentation strategy for depression in bipolar disorder.

One preclinical study on monkeys showed that memantine was capable of inducing a PCP like intoxication.

Because of its very long biological half life, memantine was previously thought not to be recreational, although a few cases of sporadic recreational use have been described. A study examining self reported use of memantine on the social network Reddit showed that the drug was used recreationally and as a nootropic.


Aripicon 10mg (generic aripiprazole) 50 tablets

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Schizophrenia medication
  • Amphetamine dependence treatment

Sertafine 100mg (generic sertraline) 60 tablets

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Medication for various mental disorders
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

Serozin 25mg (generic sertraline) 50 tablets

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Medication for various mental disorders
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

Fluxican 60mg (generic fluoxetine) 50 capsules

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Major depressive disorder medication
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

FLT 60mg (generic fluoxetine) 50 capsules

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Major depressive disorder medication
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

Elevat 20mg (generic fluoxetine) 50 capsules

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Major depressive disorder medication
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

Fluxican 10mg (generic fluoxetine) 50 capsules

  • Identical in effectiveness to brand name original
  • Produced by a reputable pharmaceuticals company
  • Major depressive disorder medication
  • Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)

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